Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How Einstein could be wrong!

However, it is not clear how the electron manages the rotational motion implied by its spin. If the electron had a radius, the implied surface would have to be moving faster than the speed of light, violating the theory of relativity. And experiments show that the electron does not have a radius; it is thought to be a pure point particle with no surface or substructure that could possibly spin.

In 1928, British physicist Paul Dirac showed that the spin of the electron is intimately related to the structure of space-time. His elegant argument combined quantum mechanics with special relativity, Einstein's theory of space-time (famously represented by the equation E=mc2).Dirac's equation, far from merely accommodating spin, actually demands it. But while showing that relativistic quantum mechanics requires spin, the equation does not give a mechanical picture explaining how a point particle manages to carry angular momentum, nor why this spin is two-valued.
Values of The Fundamental constants of Physics:

Amplitudes of Earth and Sun's occilatory motion:
Equatorial coordinates: Time of observation
Time to consider.........!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Boson wave function: Laughing matter

Charge wave density (CWD), fluctuating waves affect superconductivity thus fluctuation in Higgs field can be measured as peaks.
Bosons wave functions I = Equations are waiting.....
E ~  q2ρ2/2m . A2 + A2/2m
ІΨІ2= ρ2 density, disrupted cooper pairs to facilitate strong and weak interactions  1:3         3:1 

Q= T+Y/3
Non-zero vacuum density

E tends to zero

Zero gauge field, particle with positive parity J what is zero in gauge is non zero in other, gauge invariance, rotate the real and imaginary parts of the field. super symmetry  gauginos , symmetry breaking , neutralinos , 1:3 bb- data, majorana fermions , the parity of particle depends on particle speed and particle spin determines its trap. Change in particle spin, escape, disintegrate! Long range spin-spin interaction, the new force, spinon-holon, dimensional change.  Photons accumulate to give L false peak. Change in field and phase, dimensions, one point to another point. Hey, Higgs is very dense field and its mass is equivalent to biomolecule Thymine.  Hope, that other super symmetry particles are equivalent to the mass of hormones.

                                                                 Higgs decay channel
                   t t^ - fusion                                                                         
Hoping for next year…………!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Theory of Everything: Beyond the Higgs

Nobel Laureate Martinus Veltman says, accelerators may well find direct evidence of Higgs boson and show that the motivations for postulating its existence are correct, but he didn’t believe that things would be so simple. He said, “I must point out that this doesn’t mean that the entire standard model is wrong. Rather, the standard model is probably only an approximation –albeit-a good one of reality.” Even though the only legitimate reason for introducing the Higgs boson is to make the standard model mathematically consistent, much attention has been given to conceptually easier proposal that the particle generates masses of all the fundamental particles.
Central to an understanding of how Higgs particle would generate mass is the concept of a field. Fields generally make themselves felt by means of the exchange of a mediating particle; the particle that mediates the electromagnetic field, for example, is the photon or quantum of light. The mediating particles of the gravitational field, the weak field and the strong field, are respectively the graviton, three weak vector bosons, called the W+, W- and Z0, particles and eight gluons. In a somewhat analogous way, the Higgs boson is the mediating particle of the proposed Higgs field.
There could be both scalar and vector fields. The Higgs boson is called a scalar boson, in terms of interacting with vector bosons, the force by which particles couple must be a new force, which could be long range spin-spin interactions. The spin of scalar boson is 0, vector bosons have spin 1. Higgs force is however a 
weaker and has a shorter range than the “fifth force”.

Introduction of Higgs field destroys the nature of space-time, Einstein had spoken, it is curved. That vacuum without Higgs field is curved in a negative sense; it has a cosmological constant with a negative sign. Introduction of Higgs field flatten out space to make precisely the universe as we know it.

The SU(5) grand unified theory seeks to bind the strong force and electroweak force into on common force; the designation SU(5) refers to the mathematical group of symmetries on which the theory is based. The unification of strong and weak forces require an additional set of scalar and vector bosons, whose masses are expected to several orders of magnitude greater than the masses of the weak vector bosons. In the SU(5) theory, the vacuum contains more than one Higgs like field, that couples with different strength to different particles. The most important thing of SU(5) theory is that Quarks, through the new set of bosons can change into leptons. Martinus veltman says, he believes that the main concept of SU(5) theory will survive over the long run.

Moreover, if the SU(5) grand unification theory is correct and Higgs field does exist, magnetic monopoles should be created in the first few seconds of the universe. In his Nature article, Romain Hivet and colleagues describe solution based on analogy between Dirac nodal lines and topological defects in Bose condensate- a system of bosons (quantum particles of integer spin) that have condensed to predominantly occupy a single quantum state. If the condensate carries both phase and spin then the combination of a π-winding in phase and a spin flip can in principle give a monopole- like texture.

Polariton Monopoles

Hivet et al. instead constructed effective monopoles in another type of spinor Bose condensate; formed by two-dimensional exciton polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity. Exciton polaritons are quasiparticles with the mixed characteristics of a photon and an electronic excitation (an exciton). They have integer spin and a very small effective mass, which leads to effective condensation at a relatively high temperature. The wavefunction of the polariton condensate can be described by an effective field of spins interacting with a controllable effective magnetic field. The momentum, energy and spin state of the polaritons can be imaged in direct space via the distribution and polarization of the photons they emit on decay. Such magnetic textures have been considered as elements for future logic devices, hinting at a far-off application for polariton monopoles. In this regard polariton monopoles have at least one huge advantage over their rivals: owing to their photonic component they are extremely fast, with velocities approaching the speed of light.

N Rougemaille says, in his New Journal of Physics paper that their simulation work predicts that the chirality of these monopoles can be controlled without altering their charge state. This chirality breaks the vertex symmetry and triggers a directional motion of the monopole under an applied magnetic field. Their results also show that the choice of the geometrical features of the lattice can be used to turn on and off this chirality, thus allowing the investigation of chiral and achiral monopoles.

Proponents of the SU(5) theory differ over internal composition of the monopole, and over how many monopoles should exist; it is generally agreed that the monopole should have enormous mass for an elementary particle. As it happens, in the electroweak theory, the employment of only the simplest type of Higgs field leads to a relation between masses of W and Z0 bosons, the ratio of the mass of W bosons to the mass of Z0  bosons, is expresses as rho-parameter. The expected value of rho-parameter is 1, if there are more than one Higgs field the rho- parameter value can take on virtually any value, otherwise, it is implicated that only one Higgs field exists.

Progress in the mathematical theory line would ultimately indicate that the electroweak theory becomes better behaved mathematically and has more predictive power, when Higgs Boson is incorporated into it. Specifically, Higgs boson makes the theory renormalizable: given a few parameters, one can in principle calculate experimentally observable quantities to any desired precision. A nonrenormalizable theory, in contrast, has no predictive power beyond a certain limit: the theory is incomplete and solutions to certain problems are nonsense. Martinus veltman says, “I must point out, however, that electroweak theory can make powerful predictions even without the Higgs Boson.

Thinking to go beyond……

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Symmetry Breaking and Dark Matter

Another possible connection, for this hypothesis could be the way neutrinos are like building blocks for antimatter and dark matter interactions. Since, neutrinos are providing mass to antimatter and antimatter are interacting with dark matter in such a way that antimatter-darkmatter combinations are future source for making Time Travel possible. There are no such cooper pairs, because of strong electroweak symmetry breaking it is disrupted and it seems that there is a triad of neutrino, spin dependent Dirac gaugino neutralino and slepton. (Charginos, gaugino Neutralinos and Sleptons)  In this triad there is one particle which is common to either baryonic and non-baryonic masses, and it shifts its position (or, it is exchanged) from one triad of baryons to the triads of non-baryonic dark matter. The particle which is shifting its position must be the lightest candidate for the dark matter, and this must be non-decaying. There is no such majorana particles, it means, the particle which are their own antiparticle. This could be interpreted as neutrinos are kind of Dirac neutrino. Neutrinos will look as if it is its own antiparticle when seen from other side. This validates the truth that antimatter is not the mirror particle to matter, but the dark matter is. Since, neutrino provides mass to anti-matter, so it must be shifting its position from baryonic triads to non-baryonic triads, and it must be non-decaying. Actually what happens is that, baryonic triad and non-baryonic triad both have two comparatively heavy particles, and one particle is the lightest;  as on the interface surface plasmons, Fermi liquid, which is not that liquid, somewhat viscous, the less heavy particle from baryonic triad shifts to the nonbaryonic triad, and the  less heavy particle from the nonbaryonic triad, moves into the baryonic triads to take its place, which seems to be a void, but the lightest particle in the baryonic triad takes the position of the less heavy particle, in its triad, so, the less heavy particle which moves from the nonbaryonic triad, now takes the void created by the lightest particle in the baryonic triad, and it is known as wimp or most possible candidate for the dark matter. So, this is the particle, which is common to both baryonic and non baryonic masses, and the lightest particle in the baryonic triad shifts it position, in its triad, and fills the void created by the  less heavy particle from the baryonic triad, which becomes the part of the nonbaryonic triad. In the nonbaryonic triad there is one other particle comparatively heavier and the other the heaviest, which, remains in its triad only. (I don’t believe E=mc2 is correct and depending on particle life time, it is impossible to predict particle mass accurately, so, I am using comparative masses)   This, shifting of particles from baryonic triad to, nonbaryonic triad, and within the baryonic triad could be compared as spinons and holons. It could be explained by modified quantum chromodynamics, or quantum holography, this is a phenomenon called Light Emitting Diaphragms (can be prepared by using some metamaterials or OLEDs), which emits light, and this light is able to change spins of the particle, and changing spins of the particle can even change its gravitational properties (Light Vortexes), vaporizing dark matter, or antigravity dark matter particles  and  or provide explanation  for the nature of nonbaryonic masses, charge, parity, and time reversal violations, shown by antimatter, and how antimatter gains its mass from neutrinos. Possible connections could be, quantum classicality, hidden variables, plasmonic resonance, surface plasmons, etc. There are several natural quantum phenomenons, which could be explained in classical scenario as well, this is still possible after considering quantum wave function as a real entity. (All these experiments, have been published in the journal Nature, till now)
                                                             The possibility of new physics is overwhelming!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Properties of Dark Matter, Anti-Matter

Anti-Matter is not the mirror image of Matter, There is a common misconception among scientists that anti-matter is the mirror image of the ordinary matter. According to the present knowledge of matter, anti-matter and based on other ongoing experiments, it is assumed that anti-matter could be the mirror image of matter, in terms of charge, parity and time reversal symmetry.
But, I could say that this is not the anti-matter, which is the mirror image of the matter, but it is the dark matter which can be the mirror image of ordinary matter.

According to the experiments, anti-matter particles can go back in time. But, in the true sense, any human being or living things on this planet can not go back in time by any means. Going back means, Time travel. Yes, it is theoretically possible and one can do experiments too, but the obstacle is transmission of any living object. So, it is feasible, and sounds good only for particles to go back in Time.

I can say that anti-matter particle can go back in Time, but there are certain limitations also, because, it can not go back directly in the past of the present time. It could go somewhere else, may be past of some other universe, or present of some other universe, or may be future of the same universe. I would like to say that there is no any complete charge, parity and time reversal (C,P and T) violation. And there is an asymmetry, which remains for matter and anti-matter, at every condition. 

Since, there is a possibility of going back in Time, with anti-matter particle; one could be able to go back in time, until we human beings have the necessary technology to transmit a living thing, either back in time or to future. Until, we don’t have that technology to convert living or non-living things in particles or a shield to living things, we can not think of Time-Travel.  Without, such shield it is almost impossible for any living being to travel through Time, because, travelling through Time will destroy its fundamental building blocks. Cloaking, something with the help of light, is some other phenomenon, which is not the way to travel through Time at all. Both have different mechanism behind them. I can not say that it is quite impossible for any living being to travel through Time, but there is a need of the required technology, with the help of which, not only converting living or non-living things in particles will be possible but also, we could be able to make such special suits, or crafts, which could protect living things from the permanent structural damage.

Now, anti-matter particle can go back in Time, but there is a matter of chance that it reaches to the past of the same universe from the present of that universe. What does it mean, there is a dimensional shifting. Yes, between going back from the present or going in the future, there could be some dimensional shifting. Here comes the Dark Matter.

                 Here, I would like to mention some of the experiments, which are going currently. Such as,
                 squeezed light by atoms, experimental non-classicality of hidden variables, and many more!
                Quantum Chromodynamics: Unstable Proton or Neutron and decaying pattern………..


         Confinement and Scattering : At very high temperatures or high energy, Scattering has been observed in proton but not complete. It means Proton or Neutron could be unstable, but their decay is not complete, their decay is partial, what does it mean? There must be some phase transition line or some factors might be prohibiting their decay. According to some calculations, whatsoever, they are saying, there could be some superpartners responsible for suppressing proton decay, leading to a decay rate below the current limits set by various experiments.  So, everything depends on the findings of Superparticles, only if they could be able to find them. 
                                       Till then tune up with Stop discovery!