Saturday, September 21, 2013


Properties of Dark Matter, Anti-Matter

Anti-Matter is not the mirror image of Matter, There is a common misconception among scientists that anti-matter is the mirror image of the ordinary matter. According to the present knowledge of matter, anti-matter and based on other ongoing experiments, it is assumed that anti-matter could be the mirror image of matter, in terms of charge, parity and time reversal symmetry.
But, I could say that this is not the anti-matter, which is the mirror image of the matter, but it is the dark matter which can be the mirror image of ordinary matter.

According to the experiments, anti-matter particles can go back in time. But, in the true sense, any human being or living things on this planet can not go back in time by any means. Going back means, Time travel. Yes, it is theoretically possible and one can do experiments too, but the obstacle is transmission of any living object. So, it is feasible, and sounds good only for particles to go back in Time.

I can say that anti-matter particle can go back in Time, but there are certain limitations also, because, it can not go back directly in the past of the present time. It could go somewhere else, may be past of some other universe, or present of some other universe, or may be future of the same universe. I would like to say that there is no any complete charge, parity and time reversal (C,P and T) violation. And there is an asymmetry, which remains for matter and anti-matter, at every condition. 

Since, there is a possibility of going back in Time, with anti-matter particle; one could be able to go back in time, until we human beings have the necessary technology to transmit a living thing, either back in time or to future. Until, we don’t have that technology to convert living or non-living things in particles or a shield to living things, we can not think of Time-Travel.  Without, such shield it is almost impossible for any living being to travel through Time, because, travelling through Time will destroy its fundamental building blocks. Cloaking, something with the help of light, is some other phenomenon, which is not the way to travel through Time at all. Both have different mechanism behind them. I can not say that it is quite impossible for any living being to travel through Time, but there is a need of the required technology, with the help of which, not only converting living or non-living things in particles will be possible but also, we could be able to make such special suits, or crafts, which could protect living things from the permanent structural damage.

Now, anti-matter particle can go back in Time, but there is a matter of chance that it reaches to the past of the same universe from the present of that universe. What does it mean, there is a dimensional shifting. Yes, between going back from the present or going in the future, there could be some dimensional shifting. Here comes the Dark Matter.

                 Here, I would like to mention some of the experiments, which are going currently. Such as,
                 squeezed light by atoms, experimental non-classicality of hidden variables, and many more!
                Quantum Chromodynamics: Unstable Proton or Neutron and decaying pattern………..


         Confinement and Scattering : At very high temperatures or high energy, Scattering has been observed in proton but not complete. It means Proton or Neutron could be unstable, but their decay is not complete, their decay is partial, what does it mean? There must be some phase transition line or some factors might be prohibiting their decay. According to some calculations, whatsoever, they are saying, there could be some superpartners responsible for suppressing proton decay, leading to a decay rate below the current limits set by various experiments.  So, everything depends on the findings of Superparticles, only if they could be able to find them. 
                                       Till then tune up with Stop discovery!

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