Nobel Laureate Martinus Veltman says, accelerators may well
find direct evidence of Higgs boson and show that the motivations for
postulating its existence are correct, but he didn’t believe that things would
be so simple. He said, “I must point out that this doesn’t mean that the entire
standard model is wrong. Rather, the standard model is probably only an
approximation –albeit-a good one of reality.” Even though the only legitimate
reason for introducing the Higgs boson is to make the standard model mathematically
consistent, much attention has been given to conceptually easier proposal that
the particle generates masses of all the fundamental particles.
Central to an understanding of how Higgs particle would
generate mass is the concept of a field. Fields generally make themselves felt
by means of the exchange of a mediating particle; the particle that mediates
the electromagnetic field, for example, is the photon or quantum of light. The
mediating particles of the gravitational field, the weak field and the strong
field, are respectively the graviton, three weak vector bosons, called the W+,
W- and Z0, particles and eight gluons. In a somewhat
analogous way, the Higgs boson is the mediating particle of the proposed Higgs
There could be both scalar and vector fields. The Higgs boson
is called a scalar boson, in terms of interacting with vector bosons, the force
by which particles couple must be a new force, which could be long range
spin-spin interactions. The spin of scalar boson is 0, vector bosons have spin
1. Higgs force is however a
weaker and has a shorter range than the “fifth
Introduction of Higgs field destroys the nature of
space-time, Einstein had spoken, it is curved. That vacuum without Higgs field
is curved in a negative sense; it has a cosmological constant with a negative
sign. Introduction of Higgs field flatten out space to make precisely the
universe as we know it.
The SU(5) grand unified theory seeks to bind the strong force
and electroweak force into on common force; the designation SU(5) refers to the
mathematical group of symmetries on which the theory is based. The unification
of strong and weak forces require an additional set of scalar and vector
bosons, whose masses are expected to several orders of magnitude greater than
the masses of the weak vector bosons. In the SU(5) theory, the vacuum contains
more than one Higgs like field, that couples with different strength to
different particles. The most important thing of SU(5) theory is that Quarks,
through the new set of bosons can change into leptons. Martinus veltman says,
he believes that the main concept of SU(5) theory will survive over the long
if the SU(5) grand unification theory is correct and Higgs field does exist, magnetic
monopoles should be created in the first few seconds of the universe. In his
Nature article, Romain Hivet and colleagues describe solution based on analogy
between Dirac nodal lines and topological defects in Bose condensate- a system
of bosons (quantum particles of integer spin) that have condensed to predominantly
occupy a single quantum state. If the condensate carries both phase and spin
then the combination of a π-winding in phase and a spin flip can in principle
give a monopole- like texture.
et al. instead constructed effective monopoles in another type of spinor
Bose condensate; formed by two-dimensional exciton polaritons in a
semiconductor microcavity. Exciton polaritons are quasiparticles with the mixed
characteristics of a photon and an electronic excitation (an exciton). They
have integer spin and a very small effective mass, which leads to effective
condensation at a relatively high temperature.
The wavefunction of the polariton condensate can be described by
an effective field of spins interacting with a controllable effective magnetic
field. The momentum, energy and spin state of the polaritons can be imaged in
direct space via the distribution and polarization of the photons they emit on
decay. Such magnetic textures have been considered as elements for future logic
devices, hinting at a far-off application for polariton monopoles. In this
regard polariton monopoles have at least one huge advantage over their rivals:
owing to their photonic component they are extremely fast, with velocities
approaching the speed of light.
N Rougemaille says, in his New Journal of Physics paper that their simulation
work predicts that the chirality of these monopoles can be controlled without
altering their charge state. This chirality breaks the vertex symmetry and
triggers a directional motion of the monopole under an applied magnetic field. Their
results also show that the choice of the geometrical features of the lattice
can be used to turn on and off this chirality, thus allowing the investigation
of chiral and achiral monopoles.
Proponents of the
SU(5) theory differ over internal composition of the monopole, and over how
many monopoles should exist; it is generally agreed that the monopole should
have enormous mass for an elementary particle. As it happens, in the electroweak
theory, the employment of only the simplest type of Higgs field leads to a
relation between masses of W and Z0 bosons, the ratio of the mass of
W bosons to the mass of Z0 bosons,
is expresses as rho-parameter. The expected value of rho-parameter is 1, if
there are more than one Higgs field the rho- parameter value can take on
virtually any value, otherwise, it is implicated that only one Higgs field
Progress in the
mathematical theory line would ultimately indicate that the electroweak theory becomes
better behaved mathematically and has more predictive power, when Higgs Boson
is incorporated into it. Specifically, Higgs boson makes the theory renormalizable:
given a few parameters, one can in principle calculate experimentally
observable quantities to any desired precision. A nonrenormalizable theory, in
contrast, has no predictive power beyond a certain limit: the theory is
incomplete and solutions to certain problems are nonsense. Martinus veltman
says, “I must point out, however, that electroweak theory can make powerful predictions even without the Higgs
Thinking to go beyond……
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