Friday, February 13, 2015

Electron Exit Time: Electrons Get Real

(Quantum tunneling and High harmonic generation)
Physicists are perfectly aware that the microscopic behavior of electrons cannot be understood without the laws of quantum theory. When scientists trace the dynamics of subatomic phenomena, they like to ask questions that are motivated by a classical, non-quantum perspective. In this spirit, researchers determine the exact time the electron exits the atoms that are irradiated by a short flash of laser light. The existence of such an exit time is seemingly counter intuitive, given that electrons are described  by wavefunctions  that extend  smoothly from the inside to the outside of atoms, some part of the electron is always outside the atom.

The emission of electrons in Shafir and Colleagues’ experiment is a consequence of quantum tunneling. The applied laser field changes the potential energy profile, experienced by the electrons, forming a finite barrier, which classical Newtonian particles are not able to penetrate, but  which can be tunneled across by electrons.  A similar process forms the basis of scanning tunneling microscopy: electrons tunnel between surface of objects and the tip of the microscope. Tunneling occurs because electron wavefunctions encompass both sides of a potential barrier, so what is the meaning of an exit time?

Shafir and colleagues’ report suggests that high- harmonic emissions from helium atoms are described by ‘quantum orbits’. This means that tunneling proceeds in imaginary time ( the imaginary part of time as defined by a complex number), but electron moves as a classical particle in ‘real’ time, once it has excited the atom. At the start of its real time journey, the electron counter intuitively moves toward the parent ion.

The superposition of the many different associated electron trajectories form a quantum mechanical wave packet- a short ‘pulse’ of travelling wave activity- for emitted electrons. The result of Shafir and colleagues’ experiment is in excellent agreement to the ‘quantum orbit model’. Just the imaginary part of time changes for the electron as it tunnels through a potential barrier; time becomes real valued-only at the exit of the tunnel. This real time is the exit time measured by Shafir and colleagues’. It is the time electrons start to feel the effect of the probe-  field.

By facilitating the real time observations of attosecond electron dynamics, this approach will increasingly compete with ultrafast spectroscopic techniques in which molecules are directly probed by attosecond light pulses.


                                                                                   (Ref. Shafir et al., Nature. vol. 485, 2012)